Use our Communities

Use our Communities

Improve discovery with the Newsmast Communities API

You can now embed Newsmast Community Timelines in your own apps and projects. This will bring your users easy access to over 60 Feeds of insightful conversation of the world’s most pressing issues from Technology and LGBTQ+ to Social Media and Climate Change.

There are several layers of interoperability that are possible. 

Tier 1 Display and enable users to engage with Newsmast Communities – client side integration. 

Tier 2 Display and enable users to engage with Newsmast Communities – back end integration between user’s server and Newsmast.

Tier 3 Newsmast fully powered by your app.

We believe in collaboration through open source technologies. By combining the strengths of different Fediverse projects, we can build a better internet.

We’d love to hear from you’re a developer and would like to include Newsmast Communities in your project, or know more about Newsmast in general, please feel free to reach out to us at

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