Newsmast Foundation

Newsmast Foundation

“We can have a different web,
if we want it”

A social media charity

Newsmast Foundation is an educational charity, supporting the use of social media for good. We’re at the forefront of new, open social media.

The initial promise of the internet as a place to share knowledge and build communities has been hijacked by the creation of walled gardens owned by giant corporations. Closed platforms like Twitter, Facebook and TikTok. Now there’s a chance to escape from all this, and go back to a better, more open web:

“a secret new internet you may not have heard of, a paradise to which we may all yet escape”. PJ Vogt

It’s what we call New Social.

“We can have a different web, if we want it”. Molly White

Supporting organisations

Organisations and individuals are looking for safer, better and friendlier ways to manage their presence and community online.

That is why we’ve launched – a non-profit membership service that helps you take ownership of your presence, content and communities on the web.

Media organisations


Academic Institutions

High profile individuals

..can all join and set up a new, long-term home on New Social – [you]

Building communities

We’re working with networks of people in communities.

Places where people feel safe, and can breathe. Or places where people can come together and make things happen. We’re working to support all types of communities, by curating content, building technology and making connections.

Our flagship app, Newsmast, has pioneered new forms of community building through curated community feeds.

Who we are

Newsmast Foundation is the UK’s top New Social focused charity. We’re a group of former media people, scientists and technologists trying to take back control of the social web.

Where we’ve come from enables us to share all we’ve learned from a year of activity across new social platforms, engaging with people and organisations, promoting our mission and bringing communities together.

We’ve learnt by doing –  curating public interest content on our pilot app, Newsmast. And we’ve brought together the technology we’re using into our own enabling technology layer: Patchwork.